水面几乎看不出任何水流的移动,清水从一端流进来,在它前进的方向上急赶着又前往另一端的水管。几乎没有一点点水的涟漪,也没有波浪的痕迹,载重的气垫在水面上随意地飘动。一阵阵细细的风吹来,虽然连水面都吹不破,但是却足以扰乱那只承载着偶然重负的气垫的偶然的航程。轻飘飘的一堆落叶使它慢悠悠地旋转着、勾画着,像一只经纬仪的指针一样,在水中画出了一条纤细的殷弘弧线。(There was a faint, barely perceptible movement of the water as the fresh flow from one end urged its way toward the drain at the other. With little ripples that were hardly the shadows of wave, the laden mattress moved irregularly down the pool. A small gust of wind that as scarcely corrugated the surface was enough to disturb its accidental course with its accidental burden. The touch of a cluster of leaves revolved it slowly, tracing, like the leg of compass, a thin red circle in the water.)