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VoyagersII 493-496 中英对照(4)

2023-08-02 来源:百合文库
When you view your body from this D-5 state of consciousness, you will notice areas of the body that appear quite light filled, and others that appear dark. The dark areas represent parts of the body in which slower-pulsating particles are stored, the dark areas are the karmic imprints you seek to release.

VoyagersII 493-496 中英对照

Become aware of the difference between the pulsation rate of your consciousness and that of the dark area, then consciously slow the pulsation rate of your consciousness to match that of the dark area. Feel yourself moving down into the blackness of the dark space, slowing the rhythm of your consciousness, spreading out, and becoming one with the area. As you proceed to move your consciousness into the area, you will feel a distinct sensation of the stopping of expansion. This occurs when your consciousness has fully expanded itself into the morphogenetic field of that dark area thought-form. You have become one with the thought pattern, you are the pattern. You do not have to identify the contents of the thought pattern in order to release it, though you may begin to receive ideas, images or emotional qualities from the thought-form as you proceed through this exercise. Let the impressions pass by your attention, and keep focused on the exercise. In merging your awareness with the dark thought-form, you have moved the station of your consciousness from the D-4 level, through the D-5 level and down into the frequency bands in which that thought-form originated. You have entered its source of creation and merged your identity with that of the identity who created the pattern. You have become the creator of the thought pattern. Being itscreator,you can now change it.¹