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VoyagersII 493-496 中英对照(6)

2023-08-02 来源:百合文库
Feel your awareness expand into every layer of the energy form, as if you are filling a balloon with water or a box with sand, until you can feel your con- sciousness take up every inch of area within the structure of the thought- form. Once you feel completely expanded into the thought-form, begin to recreate it.

VoyagersII 493-496 中英对照

1. Note:Having the ability to consciously shift your entire awareness into the D-5level is an attribute of complete fifth DNA strand assembly and activation, which most humans do not yet possess. When you use your present imagination to create the inner experience of this merger, you actually accelerate the assembly of strands four and five and rapidly increase your accretion level.The more you practice such exercises, the more your aware- ness will be able to access the D-5 pulsation thythm, which will make the D-5 merger pro- gressively more tangible and " real" in terms of physical perception and embodiment of D-5frequency.Any exercises that mentally "take you into the light" will do this for you.