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I was grown up in a collectivistic environment. Because I have very little in common with the shiftless, undistinguished majority, I have long since been seen as an outcast and driven out of the group of normal men. It pains me to think that everybody else is normal, whereas I am morbid. When I was rejected and marginalized at an early age, I felt myself being humbled to nothingness and even subjectively worse than a beggar. With the enrichment of my knowledge and life experience, I realized that although humans inherited instincts and desires from lower animals, (if Darwin’s theory of evolution is true), they are more than any animals. It is undeniable that appetite and sexual desire are the utmost driving force of the vast majority to survive, yet none of us can thus make an universal judgment to say that human beings live to satisfy these needs. Even if those ones study definitely not for fame and gain are few and far between, this kind of people do exist in real life; shiftless ones are the overwhelming majority, they can’t speak for everyone. Nobody could have denied that I can also live a wonderful life even if I was treated as an outsider. In my eyes, They are much more close to animals, whereas it is me who truly embodied the indispensable factors of a man: a kind of spiritual enrichment kept at all times. 