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2023-06-13 来源:百合文库


The Poor Corgan
“Have you ever heard of the poor Corgan, darling?”. “ Have you ever read about them?” “What is a Corgan?”. “The poor Corgan, poor must be addressed.” “Ok, Grandma, then what is a poor Corgan?” I await for her response, but she slowly puts the wood branches into the fireplace instead. It gets warmer and more comfortable, guessing this would make her easier to speak or to ask something. 
My grandma is a bit talkative or can be described as askative. A kind of term that suits her most. She doesn’ t usually tell me something straight, instead she asks mostly. I wonder where did she learn or hear these things from, and how exactly big her brain is to store such amounts of names, folklores and other weird things. I take back my question now, it is obvious that her grandma was like her as well. Still, I am willing to reply to these weird questions and resume the conversation. Probably after some time, I would be a grandma much like her.

