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The Island Chapter 11(2)

2023-05-30克苏鲁孤岛新人小说 来源:百合文库

The Island Chapter 11

“But, if I let you just die so easily, it won’t be much fun, isn’t it? You little bugs, trying to fight for your way out huh? Now here’s your chance. Kanuba!” The stone calls his name. Kanuba took 3 spears and throw them on the floor next to the 3 students. Owen saw that near the stone, the giant veins are gathering around, into a giant circle around them. “I will offer you a chance. Only one of you can escape from this island, and how? By killing each other, showing your most brutal side of your humanity! Kill your friends, and you shall be free! Now fight you little insects! Fight for your life!” The Kalulu people start to cheer up they are waiting to witness this killing game.

The Island Chapter 11
