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The Island Chapter 11(5)

2023-05-30克苏鲁孤岛新人小说 来源:百合文库
The red veins
“You dare? To disobey me? To your master?!” Blair saw Owen throw the spear but to the direction of the stone. The spear floated in the air for a second, then dropped out. One of the giant veins grabs Owen’ s neck, lifting him to the air. Owen tries to break out but the veins are too strong to resist. Blair and John run to grab his leg, but another 2 veins also trapped them. “You got some nerves, little thing.” The voice rang. “You think a little spear can be enough to stop me? To kill a god?” Owen couldn’t move. “After I had enough of you primitive human friends, I promise you will be treated most special. I will put the veins to every space inside your body, including your brain. The veins will like parasites inside your head. All of your worst memories, your nightmares. I’m gonna make them be 10 times worst then you can imagine and you are going to experience it every day on this island. Do you hear me? I’m gonna torches you so you will hate your mother for bringing you to this hell!” The stone is extremely pissed off. “You.....are...right. I......know it is...... not......enough...to kill... you.” Owen said. “But... It is... enough...... to distract you...... you freak... Arthur!!!”Owen screamed with his last strength. 