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英 语 学 习 资 料 2(4)

2023-05-16 来源:百合文库
She kissed the tips of his fingers in sign of devotion... God she was wonderful! Every day spent at her side revealed to him new qualities to her character. Her sense of right touched him profoundly. He hadn’t been mistaken in judging her valor, he thought as he stared at her beautiful oval face delicately framed by long golden tresses, silken to the touch. In her blue eyes glimmered the absolute trust that she had in him.
He pulled her against him and murmured, “I’ll tell you everything, Renée. I swear it...”

英 语 学 习 资 料 2

He pressed his lips to hers... her skin was so warm, and silky. He could feel her slender body shiver against his and he felt the desire he felt for her strengthen to the point where he couldn’t resist... He wanted to lose himself in her...
He lay her down gently in the green grass.
“I love you Renée... I love you so much...”
No, he shouldn’t... He should wait... Just a few more days and she would be his wife.
She kissed him again, tangling her fingers in his soft brown hair... Her eyes burned with love and desire. She wanted to be completely one with him... Their love was so pure and impetuous that they couldn’t resist any longer. Perhaps they had yet to exchange their vows before the sanctity of the church, but they united passionately under God’s watchful gaze. It was hardly possible he could have found fault in the absolute union of two souls hopelessly in love.