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英 语 学 习 资 料 2(2)

2023-05-16 来源:百合文库
“He was your Father’s protégé, wasn’t he?”
“Yes, but he was much more than just that. He was like an older brother to me. In all of my childhood memories, he’s by my side. He’s a man of heart and a valiant soldier... He’s the Captain of the King’s musketeers right now.”
Renée listened to him with a thoughtful expression, a bit hesitant to ask him the question which hung on the tip of her tongue.
“François,” She began slowly, “I get the feeling that there are certain secrets hanging over you. You spend hours enclosed in your manor, and never tell me what it is you spend your day doing. You’ve been living in Normandy for ten years now, but you’re from Béarn. And you were brought up to serve the King and France, but you stay here in this boringly peaceful province so far from Paris...”

英 语 学 习 资 料 2

He watched her tenderly. He had always known that he would have to reveal to her that terrible secret with which he was entrusted so far from the capital. She was going to be his wife, and would live with him... But he never knew how to explain it to her.
“You’re right,” He replied, taking her hand gently in his. “I’m not here just for pleasure. Even if I seem to be living the life of a gentleman living in the country, I’m here at the service of the King... I don’t live alone. But don’t worry, you’re the only woman in my life. But behind the gates of my manor, is hidden a very important person. I protect this person. It’s a secret that could destabilize the crown.”