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英 语 学 习 资 料 2(21)

2023-05-16 来源:百合文库
“He loves you,” replied Renaud d’Herblay as he stared out the window. “With him, you’ll have everything you could desire: the most beautiful gowns, the handsomest horses... He loves you just as you are. You could discover the world with him. He’ll take you to visit Paris, London...”
“I don’t want to sell myself for horses and trips! How could you possibly think that I would accept this?”
“There’s nothing for you to accept!” Replied her mother. “You’re our daughter and it’s for us to decide for you. You’ve certainly shown us these past few months that you were in no state to make any decisions concerning your future.”

英 语 学 习 资 料 2

The young girl’s eyes filled with tears.
“How could you say that to me?” She sobbed. “How could you make such a decision without ever speaking to me about it?”
Her father rose, still avoiding her gaze. “I don’t want to discuss this any longer. You will marry Monsieur de Plessus. We gave him your hand, and we won’t go back on our word.”
“You never should have brought me back to life if you were counting on selling me in such a way!” She screamed at him as she ran from the room.

英 语 学 习 资 料 2
