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英 语 学 习 资 料 2(17)

2023-05-16 来源:百合文库
“I was waiting for you, my dear,” he said with a smile.
“Monsieur, I believe I was clear. I have no interest in seeing you and I’m disappointed by your insistence.”
With no sign of stepping down, he approached her, cornering her against one of the stable’s support beams.
“Get out!”

英 语 学 习 资 料 2

Bracing his arms on the pillar, to either side of her so that she could not escape, he eyed her triumphantly. “You’re nothing more than a pretentious little idiot, and I’ll wipe that snooty look from your face when you look at me.”
“Get away from me!”
Gripping her chin, he kept her eyes even with his own. “I must be mad to fall in love with a savage little beast like you. But I’ll teach you!”
“You’ve lost your mind! Let go of me this instant!”
“Do you know how I pick my horses, Renée? I like to take the most savage and untrained of beasts. I’ve broken the most rebellious of mounts. It took a great deal of patience and stubbornness, and I had to alternate from kindness and discipline, spare the rod and spoil the child, but none resisted me in the end. And you won’t resist me either! I’ll break you, my beauty! You’ll come to eat out of my hand!”