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英 语 学 习 资 料 2(19)

2023-05-16 来源:百合文库
“You’ve lost your mind!”
He had risen and eyed her mockingly. “You still don’t understand? You’re going to be my wife whether you want it or not! Go on and see your parents if you don’t believe me.”
Her eyes widened in horror. “No, it’s not possible...” she stammered, trembling.
Plessus had won. He was going to make her pay for her rebukes and humiliations.
“And yet, my dear, your father has given me your hand... and you know he won’t go back on his word.”
“No, that’s not true!” She cried, taking off for her house at a run.

英 语 学 习 资 料 2

“It will be my pleasure to possess you!” he called after her with a laugh.
She hurled herself to her father’s knee, where he sat talking with her mother in the sitting room.
“Father, I’ve just spoken to Monsieur de Plessus,” She began, gasping for breath. “He was telling such lies, saying that you had given him my hand!”
“It’s true, child.” Her father replied, refusing to meet her gaze. “You’ll marry Monsieur de Plessus.”
“Good God, what were you thinking?”
“That’s enough, Renée!” Her mother interrupted sharply. We’re responsible for you. Monsieur de Plessus will take care of your future. It’s the best part of the region!”