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【APH/独伊】《Auf wiedersehen,sweetheart》英文原版名句收纳/选读/鉴赏(3)

His pulse echoed in his ears. 
He jumped when he felt Ludwig's fingertips cold on his cheek, then pressed into them, so scared that Ludwig would push him away. He opened his eyes to find Ludwig's burning into his. His fingers felt like icy fire as they traced over Feliciano' cheek and into his hair. 
This was the moment he would betray everything he stood for and fought for and believed in.

【APH/独伊】《Auf wiedersehen,sweetheart》英文原版名句收纳/选读/鉴赏

It wasn't much, but it was all he had left. It was everything.
Feliciano used to wonder if he was going to die for a free Italy. Instead, he was going to die for a German.
"Lieutenant Ludwig Beilschmidt. You are under arrest for treason."
Feliciano laughed joyfully, loud and clear and brilliant. "Oh, gosh. I did not even realise I was dead!"

【APH/独伊】《Auf wiedersehen,sweetheart》英文原版名句收纳/选读/鉴赏
