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【APH/独伊】《Auf wiedersehen,sweetheart》英文原版名句收纳/选读/鉴赏(2)

You make me question everything I ever thought I knew.
Because you change the world around me. You make it bright when everything is dull and grey and ugly. You take away everything awful inside me until there is nothing but you.
Without fear, there can be no courage.
"This one curl of yours." Ludwig's voice rumbled through his chest and against Feliciano's ear. "So strange. It never lies flat.

【APH/独伊】《Auf wiedersehen,sweetheart》英文原版名句收纳/选读/鉴赏

I'd let it burn for you.
"You love him." Alfred said it so certainly.
"More than I ever thought I could love anyone, or anything, ever." 
"There are no sides when it comes to love."
If Ludwig wasn't worth the risk, then nothing was.
He looked like he was about to say something more, but instead he turned abruptly and left, shoulders back, every inch a soldier. Feliciano watched him go. The loss of what had been perfect ached.

【APH/独伊】《Auf wiedersehen,sweetheart》英文原版名句收纳/选读/鉴赏
