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He wonders if Geralt made it to Cintra in time to claim his child surprise. Princess Cirilla was a beauty like her mother and Jaskier finds himself wishing he hadn’t avoided the kingdom on his latest trek east. True, Cintra reminded him of Geralt and thinking about Geralt made his whole body wince, but the princess enjoyed his music and the Queen Calanthe laughed at his bawdiest tales.


He mourns their deaths quietly and keeps his ears to the ground for trouble.
Trouble inevitably finds him.
Rumors of a witcher traveling along the Yaruga toward Rivia filter through the tavern and Jaskier is alight with curiosity especially when he hears that a child is with him.
‘What are the odds?’ Jaskier wonders knowing full well it’s not a conspiracy that has him packing a bag. Vivienne doesn’t try to stop him, deciding her time was better spent explaining which bottle held which potion.