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Jaskier doesn’t think he can take much more, but Geralt continues.
“Witcher's don’t get happy endings Jaskier: We die bloody and alone – we’re seen as monsters to the common folk and normal lives are dreams from a childhood long forgotten. I didn’t want you to suffer and yet, I failed. I made you believe you were unwanted when the truth is… you’re all I want. I’m sorry Jaskier.”


Tears stream down Jaskier’s cheeks; drenching his lips in a reprieve he is unable to voice. Once more his words trip over themselves in his throat until they’re a tangled mess; one he sorts with a deep breath. Jaskier leans his head back, looking up at the bright green canopy and the beams of light from the sun.
His shoulder is on fire, but for the first time in decades Jaskier’s heart beats steadily – happily – behind his ribcage.

