飞向星空55 新视野3(个人翻译)注:前文可搜索B站专栏“ 风若兮未”(17)
They flew in silence for a while, as Ryouko thought to herself about whether a colony like this might install catapults [38]to launch people into the air more conveniently, and when she landed on their destination, she realized she hadn't paid attention to the flying at all.
Azrael stood grinning next to a florally[39]‐decorated sign, labeled "Selene's Premium Wing and Tail Decorations". This was followed by a depiction of a heart and winged cupid.
"I'm not sure I like where this is going," Patricia said, peering at the sign.
"I added this place just for you all," she said. "I hadn't bothered, previously. Too many memories."
She turned and looked at the colorful feathers that festooned [40]the doorway.
"We had a bit of a tradition back in the colony, where courting [41]couples would buy ornaments to decorate themselves with, then go on these elaborate flights to declare their love. It was a total community thing, and people would turn out to watch it. Being able to fly like that was proof you were an adult, and ready for the other stuff. That was the idea."