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【Sherlock】英漫 Part one之主要人物出场(4)

2023-04-02SHERLOCK神探夏洛克同人漫外网资源 来源:百合文库
)Writing a blog about everything that happens to you will honestly help you.(把发生在你身上的每一件事都写在博客上,这会对你有很大的帮助。)But I don't have anything to write.(但是我没有什么可写的。)*Waver(摆动)*‘Today's blog:I took a walk in the park.The end.(今天的博客:我在公园散步。结束)’John?(约翰?)*Turn(转身)**Barn(反应过来)*John Watson!It's Mike.We trained at the hospital together.(约翰·华生!我是迈克。我们在医院一起训练过。
)...Yes, sorry, Mike, I remember.(...是的,很抱歉,麦克,我还记得。)*grip(紧握)*Yeah, I know,I got fat.(哈,我知道我胖了。)Haha...(哈...)I heard you were abroad somewhere getting.Shot at.What happened?(我听说你出国去了。打仗射击。发生了什么事?)......I got shot.(......我中弹了。)*Silence.......*Are you still at the hospital,then?(那你还在医院吗?)I'm teaching now,yeah.Haha...bright young things like we used to be. God, I hate them.(我现在教学,是的.Haha…
…那些像我们过去一样聪明的年轻人。天啊,我恨他们。)Haha...(哈...)What about you?Just staying in town til you get yourself sorted?(你呢?就呆在城里,直到你把自己安顿好?)I can't afford London on an army personal.(我负担不起伦敦的军人费用。)You couldn't bear to be anywhere else.That's not the John Watson I know.(你不能忍受到别的地方去。那不是我认识的约翰·华生。)*tremor(颤动)*It's unavoidable....(这是不可避免的....)......'I 'm not the old me anymore.(我不再是以前的那个我了......)'Couldn't harry help?(哈里不能帮忙吗?