花样年华 1:Everything Started from Here 一切从这里开始-玧其(2)
“Hey, it’s too hot to go to an arboretum. Let’s just go to the sea.” I tried to say this as flatly as possible. I didn’t know what the Grass Flower Arboretum was, but I had an instinctive feeling that we should avoid it. “We’re short on crash.” HoSeok objected. “We can walk.” It was TaeHyung again. “I think we’ll be able to figure something out once we get to the train station. Of cause, we’ll have to skip dinner.” NamJoon chimed in. JungKook and TaeHyung whined. JiMin snapped out of it after everyone started heading for the station. JiMin, with his head deep and his shoulders hunched, looked like a little kid. I looked back at the signpost. The words Grass Flower Arboretum were slowly disappearing from our view.