花样年华 1:Shadow of My Childhood 童年的阴影-号锡
未经允许不许二传!!! 有翻译问题直接私!!!
Shadow of My Childhood
23 July Year 10
7月23日 10岁
It all happened when I counted to four. I was counting some fruit, maybe tomatoes or melons. I’m not sure. ‘Four.’ As soon as I said it, a vision from my childhood appeared before my eyes. I was holding hands with someone.
It was the day I first went to an amusement park with Mom. I was mesmerized by the colorful flags and rows of shops. People dressed like clowns waved at me, and exciting music reverberated in every corner. Mom stopped in front of a marry-go-round. While horses were going round and round under sparkling lights. I was about to ask,“Mom, are we here to ride this?”when someone called.“HoSeok,” I looked up.
It was my teacher. My classmates were all looking at me with bewildered eyes. The vision from my childhood disappeared. My teacher urged me to continue, and I began counting again. Five. Six. Mom appeared before my eyes again. She looked exactly the same as a minute ago. Her face was shaded as she was standing in front of the light, and a breeze fanned her hair. Mom handed me a chocolate bar. “HoSeok, close your eyes tight and don’t open them until you count to ten.”