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花样年华 1:Shadow of My Childhood 童年的阴影-智旻

2023-03-25JIMINJM防弹少年团朴智旻智旻 来源:百合文库
未经允许不许二传!!! 有翻译问题直接私!!!
6 April Year 11
I went out the front gate of the Grass Flower Arboretum alone. The sky was cloudy and it was a little chilly. But I was feeling good. It was school picnic day, and as usual, my parents were too busy to make it. This brought me down. But I received high evaluations in the flower drawing contest, and my friends’ mothers all told me,“You’re so mature and gentle.” I thought I was pretty cool.
“JiMin, wait here. It’ll just be a minute,” my teacher said after the picnic was over and we got ready to leave the arboretum. I didn’t wait. I knew I could find the way on my own. I held onto the straps of my backpack with both hands and took confident steps. Everyone seemed to be staring at me, so I kept my shoulders back. After walking for a while, it began to rain. My classmates and their mothers had all left, and no one paid attention to me. My legs hurt. I crouched under the tree. The rain began to pour down more and more heavily. I stretched my neck to check if anyone was coming from either side, but no one was around.