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【战锤40k同人作品翻译】Ennui 第十️一章:赠予 Given(5)

“地上的神皇,祂的恩典无疑地永恒、慈悲,”我轻声开始,“让我的姐妹们紧靠着您,带她们远离阴影,进到您光明的臂弯,并知晓她们的名字:Tress Kalion, Andra Lillimara, Yu Wenlei, Attica Tenzen…”
I smiled.
I certainly shouldn’t have but I couldn’t keep the expression off of my face, and I wasn’t entirely sure I wanted to. The notion of that troubled me perhaps less than it ought to have given my oaths.
Her lips were warm, and they were soft as the petals of one of our Order’s sacred blooms brushing against my skin. 

【战锤40k同人作品翻译】Ennui 第十️一章:赠予 Given

I’m not sure how long I sat in the water, mindlessly scrubbing after Isarae left the washroom, before I finally stood up and picked up my towel. It was long enough that my skin had begun to prune, and I shivered as the cool air sank into my skin. I rubbed at my arms and chest, drying myself off as quickly as possible before moving back to the changing alcove.
It was only as my hand was stretching out towards the activation panel that I came to a troubling realisation.

【战锤40k同人作品翻译】Ennui 第十️一章:赠予 Given
