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【您家狗】盲者之眼:碎片 第七章 自制中文版 乐高幻影忍者(4)

2024-03-26幻影忍者 来源:百合文库

【您家狗】盲者之眼:碎片 第七章 自制中文版 乐高幻影忍者

“You're not a nuisance Clancee,” I responded, “without you I may not even be standing right now, between that and you're unbridled optimism, nuisance is the last word I'd use to describe you.”
... another Ninja trick? What is this strange way of speaking? It is doing something to me. Like I am getting warm inside. Some sort of ninja magic? It feels good ... I can feel my will is waning. I noticed Clancee look at me, almost as if he was surprised to hear what I had to say. Something told me he'd never been complimented nor reassured too often, and that this makeshift pirate crew he was seeking out were the only people he felt even a little comfortable with. After a few more minutes of silence filled only by the gusts of aggressive wind, Clancee spoke up once again. “W-w-when we reach the top of the m-mountain...” Clancee briefly paused to let the next gust of snow pass, “w-when I m-meet up with my friends and mmaybe even Captain Nadakhan... when w-we leave Ninjago f-for the Dark Island or m-maybe even another realm, I think I will m-miss this journey.” It took me a moment or two to properly register what Clancee had just said. “Clancee...” I responded, “why on Earth would you miss this journey? It's been nothing but danger and near-death calls for us so far!” I probably could've worded my response a little better, but I can't find any redeeming qualities in what we've encountered so far.” “I-It's not very often I get t-to venture on many exciting quests I-like this” the humble Serpent responded, “m-most of my days are s-spent in quiet rooms all on my o-own. No-no-nobody apart from my-crew ever talks to me... well, not n-nicely at least. I don't have m-many friends. Actually, I don't have any friends... apart f-from Moppy and Peggy of ccourse!” As if I didn't empathize with him enough. It was clear Clancee attached himself to things very easily. Part of me wants to bring him to the Serpentine settlement beneath Ninjago City. I think he'd fit in quite nicely with those of his own kind, yet I know all he seeks is to reunite with his crew and sail on this Misfortune's Keep once again. Maybe I can present the option to him at some point, once I see with my own eyes how he is treated by his crew.

【您家狗】盲者之眼:碎片 第七章 自制中文版 乐高幻影忍者
