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【您家狗】盲者之眼:碎片 第七章 自制中文版 乐高幻影忍者(3)

2024-03-26幻影忍者 来源:百合文库

【您家狗】盲者之眼:碎片 第七章 自制中文版 乐高幻影忍者

Calm down Clancee! It's only in your mind! You did dig him out under that pile of snow. He seemed very grateful for that! Oh no! What if that is some sort of ninja trick! If only I wasn't so slow I could .... Waaaaaah! He's looking my way again!
I look behind me to see how Clancee is faring through the deep snow. “Clancee?”, I shout, “how you holding up back there?” Truthfully, I wouldn't be surprised if he couldn't hear a thing I was saying. No matter how loud I call out, these brutish winds and unsettling claps of thunder make it impossible to hear anything but the natural ways of the Wailing Alps. “S-sstill s-standing!” Clancee responded, “s-sorry for being so S-slow, Peggy doesn't l-like the deep snow! She k-keeps getting buri....” Clancee's speech was cut off by the ever-so persistent, brutal winds of the mountain. I stop dead in my tracks, trying to see past the white walls of violent snow to see if Clancee is still in sight. Without hesitation, I make my way back to catch up with the Serpent, knowing that if either one of us is left stranded on this inevitable tomb of a mountain, we would never be seen nor heard from again. “Clancee?!” I scream from the bottom of my lungs, holding out the flickering buzzing lamp in hopes of attracting my companion's attention. “H-h-here!” Clancee faintly responded from the snow. I lean in to make sure he can hear my instructions without fail. “Clancee, grab onto my wrist as we move forward. From here on out, we move as one unit! We can't afford to lose each other in the storm!” Clancee looked scared, then shook his head and grabbed onto my right wrist as I continued to hold out the lamp. While I felt infinitely safer moving forward together, I knew our progress would be slowed down, meaning a greater amount of time being spent in these brutal storms. “S-s-sorry for being a nuisance” Clancee remarked after several minutes of silence, “I k-know you wanted to come h-here all on your own.” While that was my initial plan, I don't have an issue with not tavelling alone, especially with someone as optimistic as Clancee by my side.