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【您家狗】盲者之眼:碎片 第一章 自制中文版 乐高幻影忍者

【您家狗】盲者之眼:碎片 第一章 自制中文版 乐高幻影忍者

感谢@温润lego的鼎力相助(づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭❤~
原文如下:‘There is a man in Ninjago. He lives in an abandoned temple near the peak of the highest mountain. It stubbornly clings to the mountain's steep snow-clad sides. The wailing winds pummel the time-worn rafters in a continuous battle between the cold, the wind, age, and gravity. Yet still, people go to see him. The journey up the mountain is tough and dangerous. How many lives the climb has claimed thus far, one can only guess. If you encounter one of the visitors by the foot of the mountain, they won't return your greeting. You may notice a determination (or is it desperation...) in their eyes as they stare into the mist that hides the summit. These people call him – the lone hermit in the temple – THE WISHMASTER, though he goes by many names as his tales are passed from one wanderer to the next. Those who are brave and foolish enough to make the climb only do so when all hope is lost. Drifting through the inns and taverns scattered below the mountain are tall tales and whispers about those who have returned. About how they have changed. About how these lost souls seem to have returned filled with hope and an all-new purpose. But these survivors never once speak about the Wishmaster upon their return home. No one shares the stories of their trials and tribulations faced while up there in the wailing winds. But one thing is for certain: they have changed. Is it worth risking your life for this journey? I would never dare to brave the mountain myself, but I have no doubt it is worth the ascent. If you have nothing to lose, nothing is a very small wager if you can gain everything.’