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【您家狗】盲者之眼:碎片 第五章 自制中文版 乐高幻影忍者

【您家狗】盲者之眼:碎片 第五章 自制中文版 乐高幻影忍者

It happened again. For years now I've peacefully and tranquilly fulfilled by role as the Green Ninja, only rarely pondering my placement in one of, if not, the most crucial and integral parts of Ninjago's very fate. 
I tend to think back to a discussion I once had with Dr. Julien on the Dark Island, in the midst of the 'final battle. He went on about how every cog, every gear within a machine is vital, and if just one part fails, the machine simply wouldn't work. While these words of wisdom were formed whilst repairing Zane's falcon, their grander, more symbolic implications were a lot less subtle. I've always had those worries at the back of my mind, afraid of not being able to live up to the legend and legacy of the Green Ninja, failing my very destiny. 

【您家狗】盲者之眼:碎片 第五章 自制中文版 乐高幻影忍者
