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【您家狗】盲者之眼:碎片 第七章 自制中文版 乐高幻影忍者

2024-03-26幻影忍者 来源:百合文库

【您家狗】盲者之眼:碎片 第七章 自制中文版 乐高幻影忍者

快说:谢谢温润哥原文如下:My thoughts continue to act as nothing but a hindrance during our ascent. As if it weren't difficult enough trying to remember even the slightest detail about my dreams of the golden-petal-coated paradise of a realm, discovering my new travel companion's motives for voyaging onward hasn't eased my suspicions in the slightest. Not so much that he's seeking to reunite with his old pirate crew – they're nothing we couldn't handle in the past – more so who he hopes to seek out atop the mountain.

【您家狗】盲者之眼:碎片 第七章 自制中文版 乐高幻影忍者
