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The Biography of Schiller(20)

2024-03-26HistoryNon-fiction 来源:百合文库

The Biography of Schiller

Shi Le also appointed general Zuo Fusu as the front lieutenant, attacked Yuzhou counties, reached the Yangtze River and returned, stationed in Gepi, collected some Yi and Chu, arranged the general of the officials below two thousand stones, let them pay the Yi valley, supplied the soldiers with food.
Shi Le led his troops to attack and plunder the counties of Yuzhou. After arriving at the river, he returned and stationed himself at Gepi.
At first, Shi Le was sold to the plain and separated from his mother Wang. At this time, Liu Kun sent Zhang Ru to send Wang's family to Shi Le. He sent a letter to Shi Le, saying, "The general rose in the north of the Yellow River, sweeping across Yanzhou and Yuzhou, and crisscrossing across the Yangtze River, Huaihe River, Han Shui and Mianyang Shui. Even the famous generals of ancient times could not compare with you. The reason why you attacked the city but could not occupy its people, and raided the land but could not occupy its land, sometimes gathered together like clouds, and sometimes scattered like stars. Do you know, General, what made you so? Your survival depends on what kind of master you are, and the key to success is who you belong to. The true master is a rebel, and the rebel is a thief. Although the rebels fail, their achievements will certainly be successful, and although the thieves win for a while, they will eventually be destroyed. In the past, red eyebrows and yellow scarves ran wild all over the world. The reason was once destroyed. This is because there is no name, and together it became a disaster. General with outstanding qualifications, megatron sea, if you can choose a virtuous and respected master, at any time look and obey him, then, merit, justice will be dignified, wealth will be enjoyed. If you turn your back on Liu Cong, you will get rid of the evil and return to the virtuous master, there will be a blessing. If you can adopt the teachings of the past and change your plan, then the world is not enough to pacify, and Kou is not enough to sweep away. Now I give you the rank of Chief General, Commander of the Army, commander of the Huns, commander of the Xiangcheng County, commander of both internal and external duties, with the title of Hua Rong. I give you the title of a big county in recognition of your special talents. In order to meet the expectations of people around the world, you should accept these. It is true that there has been no Rong emperor since ancient times. As for those who became famous officials and made achievements, there are some. The reason we have these dull ideas now is that the world is in great turmoil and we need people with great talents and bold ideas. Although I have not read the book of war, I have heard the general's siege of cities and field battles, and his ingenious plans, but they are all secretly in accordance with the art of war of Sun and Wu. It is really said that those who are born to know the art of war are superior, and those who learn it through study are inferior. As long as there are five thousand elite cavalry, nothing can be destroyed with the talents of the general. The truth and sincerity are in the letter drafted by Zhang Duan."