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Biography of Liu Yu(3)

2024-03-26历史小说纪实原创 来源:百合文库
Liu Yu, whose ancestral home was in Pengcheng County, Pengcheng County, was the twenty-second grandson of Liu Jiao, the younger brother of Emperor Gaozu of Han Dynasty Liu Bang and King Yuan of Chu. His family in the early years with Jinshi south, long lived in Jinling County Dantu Jingkou. Zhu Zongbin assigned Liu Yu's family to Jiang Zuo's "lower gentry" (Chen Yinke considered it "lower gentry").However, the family had already fallen into disuse. His father and mother were both very common poor people.

Biography of Liu Yu

Liu Yu was born on March 17 (April 16, 363) in the first year of Xingning by Emperor Ai of Jin Dynasty[5]At that time, his family was poor, and his mother fell ill and died soon after childbirth. His father, Liu Qiao, had no money to pay a nurse to nurse Liu Yu and had once planned to abandon him. Only Liu Huaijing's mother gave him a helping hand and raised Liu Yu, so he survived.
According to records, when Liu Yu grew up, he was a "heroic man with generosity". He was 7 feet 6 inches tall, which is about 181CM today. He was a great man in foreign trade and had great temperament. Work style is extensive, informal. He also served his stepmother very dutifully.