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Biography of Liu Yu Part 2(20)

2024-03-26历史小说纪实原创 来源:百合文库
In running the army, Liu Yu emphasized both kindness and authority. He not only paid attention to strict military discipline, but also showed compassion for the army. When he defeated the later Qin, he gave all the captured gold and jade treasures to the soldiers on the northern crusade. I heard that amber can heal wounds, even Ningzhou offered an amber pillow mashed and sent to the soldiers. He advocated the selection of will, not heavy name, as long as it can be reused, even if the shallow name is light, also entrusted with responsibility; Do not seek perfection to blame, to be guilty of fault, avoid short use long.

Biography of Liu Yu Part 2

Pacify Sun En;In the eighth year of Yixi (412), Jiangling was conquered and Liu Yi, who was a separatist, was killed. In the ninth year of Yixi (413), Western Shu was destroyed and Bashu was recovered. After that, Liu Yu made two expeditions to the north, successfully destroying the southern Yan and later Qin states. He defeated the Northern Wei with the Qiyue army and surrendered to Qiuchi. He recovered Huaibei, Shandong, Henan, Guanzhong and other places successively and conquered Luoyang and Chang 'an. In the first year of Yongchu (420), Du Huidu, governor of Jiaozhou, made a southern expedition to the State of Linyi and made the whole country subordinate to it.