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Biography of Liu Yu Part 2(18)

2024-03-26历史小说纪实原创 来源:百合文库
He chose the battlefield skillfully so that he could occupy the commanding heights safely;Using the mentality of the soldiers in the line, he put them to death and retreated with the heart of the soldiers;Seize the enemy's hesitation, quickly send troops to follow up the formation;Taking advantage of the Wei army's strength in numbers to show weakness and control the enemy;After winning the battle, they sent reinforcements in time and launched the pursuit at the right time.

Biography of Liu Yu Part 2

in the whole course of the battle, Liu Yu arranged carefully, cooperated closely with all the armies along the waterway, used perfect strategies and proper tactics, so that the powerful Wei army was helpless and passive everywhere, which can be called a miracle in the history of tactics. Liu Yu's military thought made a great contribution to the military history of China.
In terms of operational guidance, Liu Yu advocated to grasp the overall situation, anticipate the enemy's victory, use unexpected tricks, and avoid the real. Before the war, the enemy's situation should be well known, the deployment of troops and the time of war must be considered, and the decision must be made carefully.