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Biography of Liu Yu Part 2(22)

2024-03-26历史小说纪实原创 来源:百合文库
In terms of foreign relations, Liu Yu also performed well. After Liu Yu ascended the throne, in the first year of Yongchu (420) in July respectively into worship after Chouchi state monarch, the west general Yang Sheng for the chariot ride general, the west Liang monarch, the town of the west general Li Xin for the west general, the west Qin monarch, Pingxi general Qifu Chipan for the Anxi general. To Yong early three years (422 years) in April, and into the "Chouchi Gong Yang Sheng for Wudu County king".

Biography of Liu Yu Part 2

Ju Mengxun, the ruler of Northern Liang Plain who claimed to be the King of Hexi as Liangzhou Ruler, sent his envoys to pay tribute in the second year of Yongzhou (421). In October of the same year, Liu Yu appointed him General of the Town Army, the third division of Kaifu Yitong and Governor of Liangzhou.
In July 420, the first year of Yongchu, Liu Yu sent envoys to pay tribute to the East general, Gao Julian, the king of longevity of Gao Guryeo, as the East general, and Yu Ying, the king of Baiji, as the town East general.

Biography of Liu Yu Part 2
