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Biography of Liu Yu Part 2(19)

2024-03-26历史小说纪实原创 来源:百合文库

Biography of Liu Yu Part 2

Pay attention to the choice of the main direction of attack and try to avoid the enemy;;emphasizing multiple sieges and opposing lone troops rushing forward; When a strong enemy comes to attack, they should first maintain their strength and wait for an opportunity to attack them when their supplies are exhausted.. To the fleeing enemy, they will pursue in order to destroy everything.. They focus on winning through deception, such as shutting down and feigning weakness;;Multi-set flag drum, Zhang Yang force;;Pseudo-message, confuse the public; With the surrender of the minister's persuasion, disintegrate the enemy's morale.. Good at using weather, geographical conditions, such as wind arson, flooding the city with water, ambush and so on.

Biography of Liu Yu Part 2
