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Biography of Liu Yu Part 2(13)

2024-03-26历史小说纪实原创 来源:百合文库
In order to prevent officials from confusing troops, he ordered that there should be no more military offices. If the prime minister led the governor of Yangzhou, he could hire 1,000 soldiers. And any minister outside the important posts who needs military defense or sends troops to crusade will be matched with the imperial army..After the end of the matter, the army will need to return to the imperial court. In order to prevent chaos among relatives, Liu Yu ordered on his deathbed that the young Lord should take the throne and appoint the government to the prime minister, without the queen mother coming to court.[8]

Biography of Liu Yu Part 2

In the legal system, Liu Yu also carried out a reform of the harsh criminal law since the Eastern Jin Dynasty. In the first month of the third year of Yongyong (422), he issued an order that "the punishment is not heavy, but all the original".
In terms of economic policies, Liu Yu was light and feasible, which reduced the burden on the people and was conducive to survival and reproduction and population growth.. Liu Yu is very concerned about the livelihood of the people..He several times ordered tax reduction and exemption, exempting some taxes and taxes, and eliminating taxes and taxes for two years.. When Liu Yi was pacified, he also ordered the reduction of taxes and taxes. All slaves who had been conscripted for the war were also released.. All of these measures reduce the burden on the people.