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Biography of Liu Yu Part 2(11)

2024-03-26历史小说纪实原创 来源:百合文库
The reform of land policy was the most influential political achievement of Liu Yu. It hit the power of the powerful aristocrats in the Eastern Jin Dynasty, eased the class contradiction, alleviated the burden of the common people, improved the social and political situation, and rebuilt the authority of the central government.
Secondly, Liu Yu reformed the administrative system. He dismissed or put to death many officials from aristocratic or imperial families. He also severely punished and even put to death those of his close aides and meritorious officials who were "spoiled, greedy and extravagant".

Biography of Liu Yu Part 2

Previously, most of the scholars and diligent officials sent by the states and counties were just people who made up the numbers. In the eighth year of Yixi (412), Liu Yu made a request to follow the old system and advocated the use of examinations to distinguish them.
Liu Yu promoted Han nationality so that nobles born in low families could have a chance to participate in the government..During the Eastern Jin Dynasty, the power of central and prefectures was always in the hands of Wang, Xie, Yu, Huan and other family members..Officials were mainly selected according to their family background, and many people without talent or knowledge were selected as officials.. As an ordinary in a poor family and relying on military achievements, Liu Yu created a situation in which the Han people held power.. After coming to power, he asked for talents to be selected in accordance with the spirit when the nine-pin Zhongzheng system was first established.. He promoted people from "humble" backgrounds, such as Liu Muzhi, Tan Daoji, Wang Zhenji, Zhao Lunzhi, etc.