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Biography of Liu Yu Part 2(15)

2024-03-26历史小说纪实原创 来源:百合文库
Liu Yu paid great attention to the development of agricultural production. After Liu Yu came to the throne, he ordered that all materials needed by the palace should be purchased from the market and paid according to the price. He also ordered officials not to solicit carts and oxen from the people, nor to force the people to donate carts and oxen by virtue of official power. In addition, he also reduced various transaction taxes to facilitate market business transactions.

Biography of Liu Yu Part 2

Liu Yu attaches great importance to culture and developed education..Although Liu Yuben traveled in the military and could not read much, he attached great importance to education. In the first month of the first year of the third year of Yongzhu (422), he issued an order saying, "Now the king is a little far away, Hua Yu carries the Qing Dynasty, the people who admire the wind, the sun and the moon to Ji. Cheap Bo Yan Zhou Zi, Tao award Tong Meng, Confucian official, Hong Zhenguo study selected.. The Lord examined the old code and implemented it in time ". Thus, the rule of Liu and Song was consolidated, and the whole society paid attention to school education and improved the social atmosphere.[9]