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Biography of Liu Yu Part 2(9)

2024-03-26历史小说纪实原创 来源:百合文库
Since the Wei and Jin dynasties, the royal family and government offices have advocated luxury.. Born in a poor family, Liu Yu knew that farming was hard, so he was simple and had little desire, lived frugally and did not like luxury.
In the third year of Yongsheng (422), Liu Yu planned to go to the Northern Wei, but he fell ill in March, so he gave up. He briefly recovered in the same month, but became seriously ill again in May. He ordered Xu Xianzhi, Fu Liang, Xie Hui, the general of the army, and Tan Daoji, the army general, to serve the prince Liu Yifu.

Biography of Liu Yu Part 2

On May 21 of the same year (26 June)[5]Liu Yu died in the West Hall at the age of 60. In July, he was buried in the early Ning Mausoleum of Jiangshan, Jiankang County, Danyang. His temple name was Gaozu and his posthumous name was Emperor Wu. After telling the story of Liu Yu's life, the following is a brief summary of his historical achievements.
Apart from the military, perhaps his most important achievement was his revolutionary land policy. The annexation of land by the aristocracy displaced people and made it impossible to protect their industries. After Liu Yu came to power, he changed the regulation that had been sitting on the annexation since the Eastern Jin Dynasty, rearranged the regulation and showed the public, which greatly inhibited the annexation behavior of the powerful and powerful. When Yu Liang (the Yu family of Kuaiji) was put to death for hiding more than a thousand fugitives from the registered residence, even the internal historian of Kuaiji, Ma Xiuzhi, was removed from the office.