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【战锤40k同人作品翻译】Ennui 第十九章:时光 Time(31)

“Alessa,” I replied by way of greeting, lifting up a plate of Nara to her which she happily took, and admired her as she turned to sit at the table.
She was wearing a gray robe much like mine, although she had chosen one that only reached the middle of her thighs, and I suspected it belonged to the small, waifish woman who lived here. I also suspected that Alessandra had taken to wearing it because she knew that I liked looking at her legs, but I did not have any proof of that.

【战锤40k同人作品翻译】Ennui 第十九章:时光 Time

The kitchen was filled with the quiet clinking of utensils on plates as we tucked into our breakfast.
“Plans today?” She asked between bites.
I chewed my lip for a moment, then glanced over my combat gear and nodded.
“Something like that.”
“Sparring again?” Alessandra asked with a smile as she polished off her nara and set the plate in the basin to be washed later. “I’ve almost caught you.”
“Believe what you will, Alessa,” I replied with a smirk, although she was right. “As to sparring? No…” I joined my plate with hers before walking over to my gear, taking up my beloved razorflail, currently contracted into its blade form, and turning back to Alessa. “Today, you learn to use this.”