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【战锤40k同人作品翻译】Ennui 第十九章:时光 Time(29)

The Thirst was not something I could afford to indulge again. I had given in once and by some miracle, as Alessandra named it, there had been no ill effects but that… that was an impossibility that I was willing to accept once and only once. I was not so arrogant as to test fate a second time and drink from Alessandra again in the expectation of another miracle.
It had happened once, and that had been a gift, I was not going to repeat the mistakes of my kind and continue to take and take and take until there was no more left to give.

【战锤40k同人作品翻译】Ennui 第十九章:时光 Time

Not from Alessandra.
Never from Alessandra.
I shivered again before making my way out of the bedroom, picking up a robe on the way out and tugging it on before nosing around for some breakfast.
I activated the burner of the stovetop in the small kitchen, laid down a flat iron pan, and drew out a few handfuls of something Alessandra had called ‘Nara Eggs’. Apparently they were a common breakfast food originating from one of the pastoral Agriworlds in the subsector, and she had been incredibly pleased to have found a stock of them in a cooling unit that still had power a few levels up.