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【战锤40k同人作品翻译】Ennui 第十九章:时光 Time(32)

【战锤40k同人作品翻译】Ennui 第十九章:时光 Time

Alessandra’s eyes widened.
In all this time, I’d never permitted her to touch my flail. I’d taught her to use my Splinter pistols, Hellebore and Rue, and she had caught on with fair speed although she was still a little heavy on the trigger. My flail, however, had never been on the table before and Alessandra tentatively reached out to lay hand on the handle.
“The grip is made up of Kymaera bone and has a bioreactive mesh linked to an organic metal tendon inside the mechanism,” I explained as she took a grip on it. “You run your thumb along this,” I took her hand and passed her thumb over a portion of the mesh gently, “to release the tension of the monowire that links the segments.”

【战锤40k同人作品翻译】Ennui 第十九章:时光 Time
