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【战锤40k同人作品翻译】Ennui 第九章:交互——超越命运 Interact - Beyond Fate(14)

2023-12-20谜语人战锤40k战锤同人方舟灵族 来源:百合文库
that may have Lost you to the Path of the Seer.”
I felt my breath catch in my throat, and my mother blanched even paler than usual.
I was too young to be Lost. I had only walked a small handful of paths, the Artisan, the Dreamer… to be Lost, to be sealed to one Path for the rest of my life was…
“How will you know?” My mother asked in a much more subdued voice than I’d ever heard from her.
“To be Lost to the Path of the Seer is to obsess over the future, to see and seek patterns in all things,” Oreval explained grimly. “We will see how you fair, young Menesa, I will petition Auturch Yelena to attend to this world and this coincidence… and in turn, we will know if you are truly to be our newest and youngest Farseer.”

【战锤40k同人作品翻译】Ennui 第九章:交互——超越命运 Interact - Beyond Fate

I felt my soul recede into the depths of my body as my mother pulled me close, and I nestled against her in a way that I hadn’t done since I was a little girl. She, in turn, wrapped her arms around me, pressing her lips to my crown and muttering calming words in a way she hadn’t in the same span of time.
Eugh… Mother was right, I should have been a Bonesinger.