【英语学习】Background Pony 读书笔记【1】(10)
“Neither do I.” I smiled and handed the towel to her. “Until I find what I'm looking for, that is. And then it's another mystery.” She took the towel and I marched once again toward the fireplace, stoking the flame some more. “The name's Lyra, by the way. Lyra Heartstrings.”
“Applejack,” she introduced herself like it was the first time.
1 第三章章节名为Foundation,啸夜dalao翻译成【无根而固】,大概是最意译的一次,比原文还多了一层意思。
2 frigid:adj. 寒冷的/冷淡的。类似于icy,同时有原意和引申义。
【形近词】rigid 死板的,坚硬的,固执的
the frigid veil of endless night:veil,面纱。这里我个人认为是一种比喻,比较自然。(所以说写比喻不一定要写xxx is like xxx)
3 trial 中译没有译出来这个词,我也拿不准,最接近的意思应该是【考验/试炼】没错foe里那个试炼就这个词。
【审判】be on trial for sth 因涉嫌某罪而受审
“Applejack,” she introduced herself like it was the first time.
1 第三章章节名为Foundation,啸夜dalao翻译成【无根而固】,大概是最意译的一次,比原文还多了一层意思。
2 frigid:adj. 寒冷的/冷淡的。类似于icy,同时有原意和引申义。
【形近词】rigid 死板的,坚硬的,固执的
the frigid veil of endless night:veil,面纱。这里我个人认为是一种比喻,比较自然。(所以说写比喻不一定要写xxx is like xxx)
3 trial 中译没有译出来这个词,我也拿不准,最接近的意思应该是【考验/试炼】没错foe里那个试炼就这个词。
【审判】be on trial for sth 因涉嫌某罪而受审