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【英语学习】Background Pony 读书笔记【1】(9)

“I've got an orchard full of hundreds more like them just up the road.”
“So we're neighbors!” I grinned at her.
“Heh. Reckon we are. Now I feel bad for not sayin' 'howdy' sooner. How's that for rotten hospitality?” Her voice trailed off as she gazed up towards the walls of the place. “Huh... Now will ya take a look at that?”
“Hmmm?” I trotted back towards her. I trailed her eyesight, observing the numerous musical instruments lining the wall. The two of us were surrounded by a rather familiar assortment of flutes, guitars, harps, chimes, violins, cellos, and clarinets—all hanging from metal fasteners across the interior of the small, fire-lit cabin. “Oh. Heh... I'm a musician,” I hummed, as if that could succinctly explain the undeniable forest of orchestral tools surrounding us. “There's one good reason why I'm not living in the center of town. With all the racket I'm bound to make, the most 'hospitality' I'd get would be a swift kick to the flank.”

【英语学习】Background Pony 读书笔记【1】

“What? You compose tunes or somethin'?”
“I search for them.”
“I...” Applejack stopped wringing her mane dry and bit her lip. “I-I reckon I don't get it.”