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【战锤40k同人作品翻译】Ennui 第三章:狰狞 Grim(9)

2023-12-17战锤40k黑暗灵族战锤同人 来源:百合文库
To produce what?
More variations on the same thing.
More varieties of pain induced by a trillion different toxins, all resulting in the exact same outcome.
How anyone could view that kind of stagnation with approval or with the notion that they had succeeded at something was beyond me. 
I had pushed the furthest boundaries of my art only for it to become a cheap diversion enacted to please the jaded senses of whatever Kabal could afford our fee in slaves and souls. That, I realised as I was in transit to my war-torn destination, was the ultimate truth of it all… that Commorragh, for all of its cancerous glory, could produce nothing truly new.

【战锤40k同人作品翻译】Ennui 第三章:狰狞 Grim

Just variations of the same failure that had damned each and every Aeldarii to the gullet of She Who Thirsts.
“It seems the Mon-Keigh were right about something,” I chuckled wanly, feeling a surge of real, genuine amusement crack through my malaise of dispassion. “It seems my entire race does likely deserve to die.”
Laughter bubbled out of me, bitter but real, as the iris of the far portal appeared in the distance, and I leaned in, keeping my head low and my eyes open as I braced myself for an immediate attack.