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小说Lab partners- rain, rain(14)

2023-12-16 来源:百合文库
“What about you? Any siblings?”
“I’m the oldest of three,” he supplied. “I have a younger brother and a baby sister. Andrew is fifteen, and Layla is three.”
“It must be nice being the eldest,” I said. “I’m kind of jealous. Ellie’s four minutes older than me and she never lets me forget it.”
Jordan glanced at me like I was out of my mind. “Do you know how much pressure comes with being the oldest child? I’m the one who has to be responsible and set good examples for both of them. I mean, Andrew is old enough at this point that he is beyond saving, but Layla still soaks up everything I do like a sponge. One slip up around her and suddenly she’s screaming the eff bomb all over the house.”

小说Lab partners- rain, rain

I had to admit, I was thoroughly amused at the image my brain conjured up of a toddler running through Jordan’s house swearing and causing havoc at every turn.
The conversation paused for a minute and I sat uncomfortably wet in the passenger seat. It had been so long since I’d met someone new, someone who didn’t already know anything and everything about me. It was strange, and surprisingly refreshing.