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2023-11-30 来源:百合文库
Baskara Kotaro
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Race: Firesoul Genasi
Class: Monk 7, Rogue 2
Black eyes and hair, 19. 6.5 feet tall, compact build.
Preferred weapon: Quarterstaff, Unarmed Combat, anything that is small and has an edge and can be thrown.
Baskara was born in the east of Faerun, close to the land of Kara-Tur. He was abandoned when he was a tenday old, due to the fact he exploded into fiery columns of fire four times in that tenday. A monastery took him in, where he was trained in the way of the monk by and elderly master. When said master died of old age, wanderlust quickly took hold, and he left the monastery at the age of 12 to find a life different from the stasis of the monk. He met Eren when he was 17, and has been travelling with him, killing the odd orc and mostly stealing from filthy rich individuals in major cities to make a living. He may or may not have made enemies in this lifestyle. He now has some control over his elemental powers, but is still known to start sizzling when he feels excited. Also, he is skilled in the ways of monk combat.

