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2023-11-30 来源:百合文库


Eren Sturmwind
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Race: Aasimar
Class: Fighter 7, Ranger 2
Golden eyes due to Celestial heritage. Black hair, 6 feet and slender build.
19 years old
Preferred weapon: Twin scimitars. Longbow
Eren has been a traveler since his tenth summer, when orcs wiped out his small village east to Baldur’s Gate. On the outside, he is sometimes gloomy and oblivious, but is actually quite kindhearted. He hates orcs for obvious reasons, and is known to make a living by helping small towns get rid of monster threats (Orcs, goblinoids, trolls, the sort.). He has extensive knowledge of wilderness due to much time spent out in it. He prefers to hide his identity as an aasimar, wearing light black blindfolds to hide his golden eyes. Also, he has darkvision, truesight, and can sense the alignment of a creature, but only whether they are good or evil, not lawful and chaotic. He is one of the best scimitar wielders on Sword Coast.

