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The Skyline Chapter One(Part 2)(4)

I pushed the throttle down to its maximum speed and lurched the spacecraft downward just as the highway disintegrated into lines. 
 “You have entered the freeway of Sector N, 1token is charged automatically as toll fee”
The mail box on the system flickered red for three times then opens. 
Please slow down or your spacecraft or automobile will be confiscated for penalty. —Sector N freeway law 51 states “No transportation will be allowed to exceed 100 meters per second within the sector”

The Skyline Chapter One(Part 2)

I looked at it, but I did not slow down. The speedometer of my spacecraft glowed red and started to slow down and join the left lane of the freeway; the mailbox flickered red again. I selected the spaceships’ control center and changed the plate number’s frame to green. Then the mailbox stopped flickering and was cleared at the same time. My spacecraft started to accelerate again on the freeway.
The mailbox glittered again, and opened by itself. A mail from Stella was delivered, she wrote: “STOP EXCEEDING THE SPEED LIMIT!!! It’s annoying to turn the alarm off for you every time! Btw, check out my latest post on the blog.”