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铁路系列绘本第三十册《More About Thomas The Tank Engine》中英双语自译(1)

2023-10-28托马斯和他的朋友们铁路系列 来源:百合文库

铁路系列绘本第三十册《More About Thomas The Tank Engine》中英双语自译(1)

《More About Thomas The Tank Engine 》 CHRISTOPHER AWDRY 著 CLIVE SPONG 绘 目录: Thomas,Percy and Coal
The Runaway
Better Late than Never Drip-Tank DAER FRIENDS,
Sometime Thomas and Percy both think they are the most important engine on the Branch Line.We know Better,of course,and so does the Fat Controller,which is why he did not intervene when Thomas and Percy had a quarrel.Like most quarrels,it wasn't serious to stars with itbegan when Percy...But why not turn the page and then you can read about it for yourself.

铁路系列绘本第三十册《More About Thomas The Tank Engine》中英双语自译(1)
