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Chapter three(4)

2023-09-15原创连载英文小说初中生初三 来源:百合文库
(There was no clock in her bedroom, nor were there any clocks in the weapons room, the White room, or anywhere that she had visited since she had woken up. )
She mentally threw away that small confusion with a slight shake of her head. She had better just focus on what she was going to do instead of making small and meanless observations. 
As Cecy’s thoughts came back to earth, she registered that Lydia was walking back towards her from the other end of the room. When did she go there, Cecy didn’t remember, but as she glanced towards where Lydia was coming, she saw a dark figure silowetted in the far corner. It was a hooded person with his or her back turned towards Cecy.

Chapter three

Had Lydia just gone to say hello to that person? Was he the one who took me from the room, or the one who teleported me into the bedroom in the first place? She could not see his features, but, even if she saw the facial structures, she doubted that she could determine who he was, she thought sourly, as Lydia’s face, looking just like the face of Cecy herself——not noticed for the first time——drew closer. 
(How on earth was there a face so similar to hers? Even her sister didn’t look exactly like her, with wider cheekbones and the aura of a more optimistic and open character. 